About Me
I started seeing and experiencing Spirit around the age of 6. When I went to sleep at night I would ask my mom to please close my closet door as there were “people” (white shadowy figures as I know now were beautiful deceased souls) who would come out. I have always experienced very vivid dreams of deceased loved ones, had an imaginary friend when I was young, and felt that there was a presence or someone watching over me or that someone was around me.
As I got older I noticed that people would tell me about some of their deepest, darkest issues or situations. They told me I gave them good advice. I didn’t realize at the time the advice I was giving them was being channeled to me from a Higher Source.

Later in life someone explained to me what was going on, with what I was seeing, sensing, and experiencing, in terms of Spirit. Other Mediums explained to me I had a "gift," or "ability," to connect with Spirit (or the other side). It was at that time I decided I wanted to go forward and develop my skills as a Medium in order to help family and friends.
It was channeled to me by various readers throughout the years that I would be supported by deceased grandparents and relatives on the other side as I stepped forward (with baby steps) on this path. I read for family and friends out of my house for many years.
I soon came to realize it is truly, without a doubt, a part of my life’s purpose to serve Spirit. While serving Spirit I was also aligning with who I am and who I would become. I am still evolving, and this purpose continues to develop each day.
Throughout the years I have had many supportive people enlighten my path and encourage me on this beautiful journey to step forward out of my comfort zone, and to help more than family and friends. I can’t thank them enough for their love, support, and encouragement.
I have a Masters Degree in Special Education. My career spanning 23 years as an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher has instilled in me that being a lifelong learner is of the utmost importance in any job, career, or calling. We can always learn more, practice more, and grow more as a professional. I have had the honor and pleasure to learn from and study with beautiful and talented Psychic Mediums who I truly love, adore and admire. They inspire me! Each one has helped me to grow tremendously as a Psychic Medium and as a spiritual being. I will be forever grateful to Lindsay Marino, Lisa Williams, Stephen Hermann, Andy Byng and Jackie Eaton. I am also incredibly thankful for the guidance and teaching of Tony Mitchell, Intuitive/Empathic Coach. I always say, no one grows up thinking or saying “Hey, I’d like to be a Psychic Medium! Where do I go to school?” It’s true. It just happens. In return, I have been blessed to channel messages from Spirit to my clients that are for their highest and best good as our soul continually evolves, grows and learns here in the physical world.
In addition to being a Psychic Medium I am also a Certified Grief Educator. I have completed a certificate program designed by world renowned grief expert David Kessler. I had an amazing opportunity to study with him. My course of study focused upon David's unique methodology, tools, and his decades of expertise and experience helping people navigate the challenges of grief. I'm truly grateful to have another layer of knowledge and added depth within my craft in order to help my clients and others navigate their own grief and loss journey. I am committed to providing the highest level of grief support. Grief is a human experience that connects all of us here in the physical world. No person (regardless of age, race, or religion) is immune from experiencing loss and trying to find meaning and resiliency through their grief and loss journey.
I am also honored to be listed in Shay Parker's Best American Psychics Directory. After completing their rigorous testing process I am now a proud member of this directory which consists of certified Psychic Mediums who are tested, accurate, and ethical. Shay created this online resource to set a new, higher standard within the psychic and medium field.
I perform my work with the utmost integrity and I take a great deal of time to prepare for each and every session. Every client is important, unique and special.
It has been an amazing honor and incredible experience to serve Spirit and bring healing, peace and/or guidance to so many beautiful people. I am truly blessed, grateful and humbled as I continue my quest to heal people one soul at a time. I look forward to connecting with you soon.
With Gratitude,
My Credentials
Tested, Ethical and Accurate Member
of Shay Parker's Best American Psychics
Grief Educator,
Certified through David Kessler
20 Years Experience Bringing People Clarity, Comfort, and Healing
Masters Degree in Special Education
Studied With World Renowned
Including Lisa Williams, Andy Byng, &
Dominic Boag
As Featured in